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5th EnzymeML Workshop

24.-26.9.2024, Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald, Rüdesheim, Germany

Organizers: Carsten Kettner, Jürgen Pleiss, Santiago Schnell
Supported by: Beilstein Institute, Frankfurt, and the EU COST Action COZYME

We are glad to invite you to our 5th EnzymeML Workshop at the Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald in Rüdesheim (Germany) on 24.-26.9.2024. Rüdesheim can conveniently be reached by train from Frankfurt airport (1½ h). During the three-day meeting, we will demonstrate and explore the application of our EnzymeML platform during the first EnzymeML Training Course, discuss challenges (especially data acquisition and data analysis), and jointly plan the next steps. We would be glad if you and your co-worker(s) would participate, contribute a dataset for testing, give a talk, and contribute to the discussion.

The Beilstein-Institut will cover conference costs, and the EU COST Action COZYME "Pan-European Network on Computational Redesign of Enzymes" (CA2116), will cover accommodation and travel costs.

Please find more details at on the Beilstein workshop website